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    #include<iostream> using namespace std; class TNode{ private: node* root; public: TNode(); int isEmpty(); void buildTree(int item); void insert(int item,node *,node *); void minNode(node*); void maxNode(node*); int countNodes(node*); int treeHeight(node*); void displayBinTree(); }; TNode::TNode(){ root = NULL; } int TNode::isEmpty() { return (root == NULL); } void TNode::buildTree(int item){ node *p = new node; node *parent; cout <<"Insert node in BST :" << item <<endl; insert(item,p,parent); } void TNode::insert(int item,node * p,node * parent){ p->data=item; p->left=NULL; p->right=NULL; parent=NULL; if(isEmpty()){ root = p; } else{ node *ptr; ptr = root; while(ptr != NULL){ parent = ptr; if(item > ptr->data){ ptr = ptr->right; } else{ ptr = ptr->left; } } if(item < parent->data){ parent->left = p; } else{ parent->right = p; } } } void TNode::minNode(node* p){ while (p->left != NULL){ p = p->left; } cout << "Minimum value : " << p->data <<endl; } void TNode::maxNode(node* p){ while (p->right != NULL){ p = p->right; } cout << "Maximum value : " << p->data <<endl; } int TNode::countNodes(node* p){ int node = 1; //Node itself should be counted if (p == NULL){ return 0; } else{ node += countNodes(p->left); node += countNodes(p->right); return node; } } int TNode::treeHeight(node* p){ if (p == NULL) { return 0; } else { int left_side = treeHeight(p->left); int right_side = treeHeight(p->right); if (left_side > right_side) { return(left_side + 1); } else { return(right_side + 1); } } } void TNode::displayBinTree(){ cout <<endl<<endl; minNode(root); maxNode(root); cout <<"Height of BST : "<<treeHeight(root); cout <<"\nTotal nodes : "<<countNodes(root); } int main(){ TNode b; int data[] = {7,2,9,1,5,14}; cout <<"Constructing Binary Search Tree by Inserting Nodes One by One "<<endl; cout <<"------------------------------------------------------------- "<<endl; int arrSize = sizeof(data)/sizeof(data[0]); for(int i = 0; i < arrSize; i++) { b.buildTree(data[i]); } }
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    100% Solution Code

    #include <iostream> using namespace std; /* The Student class */ class Student { private: string firstname, lastname, VUID; int marks; Student *nextStudent; public: // constructor of Student class to initialize data members of class Student(){ VUID = ""; marks = 0; firstname = ""; lastname = ""; nextStudent = NULL; } // Student class method to set VU ID of Student void setVUID(string val){ VUID = val; }; //Student class method to get VU ID of Student string getVUID(){ return VUID; }; // Student class method to set first name of Student void setFirstName(string val){ firstname = val; }; //Student class method to get first name of Student string getFirstName(){ return firstname; }; // Student class method to set last name of Student void setLastName(string val){ lastname = val; }; //Student class method to get last name of Student string getLastName(){ return lastname; }; //Student class method to set the Marks of Student void setMarks(int val) { marks = val; }; // Student class method to get the Marks of Student int getMarks() { return marks; } //Student class method to point current Student to next Student void setNext(Student *nextStudent) { this->nextStudent = nextStudent; } // Student class method to get memory address where pointer is pointing Student *getNext() { return nextStudent; } }; /* The List class */ class List { private: Student * head; Student * current; public: // constructor of list class to initialize data members of class List() { head = new Student(); head->setNext(NULL); current = NULL; } // list class method to add Students into list void add() { Student *newStudent = new Student(); int loc_marks = 0; string loc_vuid = "", loc_fname = "", loc_lname = ""; cout<<"\nEnter VU ID: "; cin>>loc_vuid; newStudent->setVUID(loc_vuid); cout<<"Enter Marks: "; cin>>loc_marks; newStudent->setMarks(loc_marks); cout<<"Enter First Name: "; cin>>loc_fname; newStudent->setFirstName(loc_fname); cout<<"Enter Last Name: "; cin>>loc_lname; newStudent->setLastName(loc_lname); if(head->getNext() == NULL){ newStudent->setNext(NULL); head->setNext(newStudent); current = newStudent; } else{ Student *temp = head; while(temp->getNext() != NULL && temp->getNext()->getMarks() >= loc_marks){ temp = temp->getNext(); } current = temp; newStudent->setNext(current->getNext()); current->setNext( newStudent ); current = newStudent; } }; // list class method to get the information of Student void getInfo() { if (current != NULL){ cout<<"VU ID: "<<current->getVUID()<<endl; cout<<"Marks: "<<current->getMarks()<<endl; cout<<"First Name: "<<current->getFirstName()<<endl; cout<<"Last Name: "<<current->getLastName()<<endl<<endl; } }; // list class method to move current to next Student bool next() { if (current == NULL){ return false; } current = current->getNext(); }; // frient function to list class to show all students in the list friend void showStudents(List list){ Student* savedCurrent = list.current; list.current = list.head; for(int i = 1;; i++){ list.getInfo(); } list.current = savedCurrent; }; }; main() { int input = 0; List lst; while(input != -1) { cout<<"1. To Add New Student in Ranking"<<endl; cout<<"2. To Display Ranking"<<endl; cout<<"3. To Close"<<endl<<endl; cout<<"Enter Your Choice: (1, 2 or 3) "; cin>> input; if(input == 1) { lst.add(); cout<<"Student's information saved successfully.\n"; } else if(input == 2) { cout<<"\nRanking Chart"<<endl; showStudents(lst); return 0; } else { return 0; } } }
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    100% Solved:

    #include <iostream> #include <string.h> using namespace std; const int arrLength = 10; struct Student{ string userVUID; string userDetails; }std1={"NULL","NULL"}; class ArrQueue{ private: //Data Members Student arr[arrLength]; int front; int rear; public: //Constructor ArrQueue(){ for(int i=0; i<arrLength; i++) arr[i] = std1; front = -1; rear = -1; } //Member Functions void enQue(Student std){ if(isEmpty()){ arr[0] = std; front++; rear++; } else if(isFull()){ cout << " Queue is full."; } else{ arr[rear+1] = std; rear++; } } void deQue(){ if(isEmpty()){ cout<< " No Student In the Queue.\n"; } else if(rear == 0){ arr[front] = std1; front = -1; rear = -1; } else{ int tempfront = front; arr[front] = std1; for(int i=1; i<=rear; i++ ){ arr[front] = arr[i]; front++; } rear--; front = tempfront; } } int queLength(){ return rear+1; } bool isEmpty(){ if(front==-1 || rear==-1) return true; else return false; } bool isFull(){ if(rear == arrLength-1) return true; else return false; } void showQue(){ cout << "\n |Sr. VU ID Details |"; cout << "\n --- -------------------------------\n"; for(int i=front; i<=rear; i++){ cout<<" "<< i+1<< ". "<< arr[i].userVUID << " " << arr[i].userDetails <<"\n"; } } }; int main(){ /*Code For Even Id's Student std[] = {{"BC12345684","Bilal (BSCS)"}, {"BC12345685","Bilal (BSCS)"},{"BC12345686","Bilal (BSCS)"},{"BC12345687","Bilal (BSCS)"}, {"BC12345688","Bilal (BSCS)"}};*/ /*Code For Odd Id's */ Student std[] = {{"BC12345683","Bilal (BSCS)"}, {"BC12345684","Bilal (BSCS)"},{"BC12345685","Bilal (BSCS)"},{"BC12345686","Bilal (BSCS)"}, {"BC12345687","Bilal (BSCS)"}}; ArrQueue arrQue; cout << "\n -----------------------------------"; cout << "\n | Queue (After Adding Students) |"; cout << "\n -----------------------------------"; for(int i=0; i<=4; i++){ arrQue.enQue(std[i]); } arrQue.showQue(); cout << "\n -----------------------------------"; cout << "\n | Queue (After Removing Students) |"; cout << "\n -----------------------------------"; /* Code For Even Id's for(int i=0; i<=1; i++){ arrQue.deQue(); }*/ /*Code For Odd Id's*/ for(int i=0; i<1; i++){ arrQue.deQue(); } arrQue.showQue(); }
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    Solution Idea!

    #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; class HeapNode_Min { // Tree node of Huffman public: //Add data members here. char d; unsigned f; HeapNode_Min *l, *r; HeapNode_Min(char d, unsigned f = -1) { //Complete the body of HeapNode_Min function this->d = d; this->f = f ; this->l = NULL; this->r = NULL; } }; class Analyze { // two heap nodes comparison public: bool operator()(HeapNode_Min* l, HeapNode_Min* r) { //add return before statement and statement is completed. return (l->f > r->f); //Complete this statement } }; void display_Codes(HeapNode_Min* root, string s) // To print codes of huffman tree from the root. { if (!root) return; if (root->d != '$') cout root->d "\t: " s "\n"; display_Codes(root->l, s + "0"); display_Codes(root->r, s + "1"); //Complete this statement by passing arguments } void HCodes(char data[], int freq[], int s) // builds a Huffman Tree { HeapNode_Min *t,*r, *l ; // top, right, left priority_queue<HeapNode_Min*, vector<HeapNode_Min*>, Analyze> H_min; int a=0; while (a<s){H_min.push(new HeapNode_Min(data[a], freq[a])); ++a;} while (H_min.size() != 1) { l =; H_min.pop(); r =; H_min.pop(); t = new HeapNode_Min('$', r->f + l->f); t->r = r; t->l = l; H_min.push(t); } display_Codes(, ""); } int main() { int frequency[] = { 3, 6, 11, 14, 18, 25 }; char alphabet[] = { 'A', 'L', 'O', 'R', 'T', 'Y' }; //Complete this statement by passing data type to both sizeof operators int size_of = sizeof(alphabet) / sizeof(*alphabet); cout"Alphabet"":""Huffman Code\n"; cout"--------------------------------\n"; //Call Huffman_Codes function. HCodes(alphabet, frequency, size_of); return 0; }
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    .CPP File Code

    using namespace std; #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream> struct StudentDetail{ string name; string vuid; }; //class Node* head; class Node{ struct StudentDetail newStd; class Node* next; class Node* prev; void Set(string name,string vuid) {; newStd.vuid=vuid; } Node Get() { } void setNext(string name,string vuid){ if(next==NULL) { } else { class Node* newNode= new Node();; newStd.vuid=vuid; newNode->next= newNode; } } string getNext() { next; } void setPrev(string name,string vuid){ if(next==NULL) { } else { class Node* newNode= new Node();; newStd.vuid=vuid; newNode->next= newNode; } } string getPrev() { prev; } }; class DoublyLinkedList{ public: struct StudentDetail newStd; class DoublyLinkedList* headPtr; class DoublyLinkedList* curPtr; class DoublyLinkedList* nextPtr; int size; //dfdf class DoublyLinkedList* headDlinkList=NULL; void addAtBegining(string vuid, string name) { class DoublyLinkedList* dNode= new DoublyLinkedList(); dNode->newStd.vuid=vuid; dNode->; dNode->nextPtr=headDlinkList; headDlinkList= dNode; dNode->curPtr=dNode; } void addAtEnd(string vuid, string name) { class DoublyLinkedList* dNode= new DoublyLinkedList(); dNode->newStd.vuid=vuid; dNode->; dNode->nextPtr=headDlinkList; headDlinkList= dNode; dNode->curPtr=dNode; } void delNode() { class DoublyLinkedList* temp1=curPtr; class DoublyLinkedList* temp2= temp1; temp1->nextPtr= temp2->nextPtr; free(temp2); } void print() { class DoublyLinkedList* temp= headDlinkList; while(temp!=NULL) { cout<<temp->newStd.vuid<<" "<<temp-><<endl; temp= temp->nextPtr; } } }; int main() { string vuid,name; cout<<"Add your vuID and Name at First Position "<<endl; cout<<"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _"<<endl; DoublyLinkedList dlist1; cin>>vuid; cin>>name; dlist1.addAtBegining(vuid,name); dlist1.print(); cout<<"Insertion At Beginning in doubly Link List "<<endl; cout<<"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _"<<endl; cin>>vuid; cin>>name; dlist1.addAtBegining(vuid,name); dlist1.print(); cout<<"Insertion At End in doubly Link List "<<endl; cout<<"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _"<<endl; cin>>vuid; cin>>name; dlist1.addAtEnd(vuid,name); dlist1.print(); cout<<"Deletion of Current Node (Last Node) "<<endl; cout<<"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _"<<endl; dlist1.delNode(); dlist1.print(); }

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